We Provide Tailored Renovation Guidance for Residential and Commercial Projects

Our renovation consulting services were created from our years of experience in the residential and commercial construction industry. With over 15 years of expertise in full-service contracting, we know the ins-and-outs of outlining clear goals, project budgeting and realistic timelines.

What makes us different is our experience, clear communication, and customized consulting approach with every client. We know that each project is different, and you will have specific requirements that other projects may not have. Therefore, we provide unbiased, independent advice that is adapted to each client.

Setting Realistic Renovation Project Goals

When you hire Reno Consultants to discuss your renovation project and goals, you can count on us to provide you with knowledgeable advice, customized tips, and recommendations in an organized and focused manner. Having a plan is crucial and we will work with you on mapping out this plan with the goal being to help you save time and money.

Renovation Budgeting Advice and Expertise

In most instances, a home renovation project will increase the value of your home, but it can also quickly spiral if you’re not careful. We will meet with you to discuss your budget, your expectations, and map out a plan to ensure you are on the path to success. This allows you to have a clear and concise plan prior to firming up budgeting details with the designer or contractor, later on.

Understanding Renovation Timelines

Reno Consultants have nearly 20 years of experience in both residential and commercial construction. We will work with you, side by side, to gather insight and map out a likely trajectory for your renovation project and its timeline. Based on our years of expertise, we will advise you on timing, scheduling, and ensure that you understand the time commitment involved from start to finish. When you work with us prior to engaging with a contractor, you will benefit greatly and be as prepared as possible.

Our Renovation Planning and Consulting Services

We work with each client on an individual basis, providing an unbiased approach. Learn more about a few of our other project consulting services listed below:

Being an independent, locally owned company, we are committed to providing you with the guidance required to map out realistic project goals, budgeting expertise, and setting realistic timelines based on your goals.

We offer a wide range of renovation support services to meet your individualized needs. Reno Consultants will work with you on an unbiased basis to support you as best as possible.


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